Colon Hydrotherapy

Did you know….

To the degree that your colon is clean is the degree that your bloodstream is clean.

The colon controls the aging process in the body.

One colonic equals three days of fasting.

The colon has referral areas that are similar to the reflexology points on our hands & feet.

2-3 bowel movements per day is healthy. The colon can store about 5-20 pounds of feces.

The Temple of Peace Healing Sanctuary offers colon hydrotherapy in a state-of-the art facility.


Colon hydrotherapy is the safe, gentle infusion of purified water into the colon via the rectum. A series of colon hydrotherapy sessions gently cleanses, clearing the entire 5 feet of colon, removing impacted fecal matter, toxins and parasites which may have been lodged in the colon for weeks, months, or even years. The average person may hold 5-20 pounds of clogged fecal matter within their intestinal tract. It is essential to clear and cleanse the colon (large intestine) so that everything that is backed-up behind it can begin to be eliminated as well. If the colon is not cleared, the liver, gall bladder, spleen, kidneys, and other organs will start holding toxins they would normally dispose of into the large intestine. In addition, we are unable to absorb vital nutrients through our intestinal wall because it has hardened waste matter adhering to it. Stress is placed on the entire body when the colon is not functioning properly.


At the Temple of Peace Healing Sanctuary we use the most client-friendly, comfortable colon hydrotherapy equipment available today. We have both open and closed systems available. The open type is a gravity fed continuous flow system, it is a class 1 medical device and is approved by the US-FDA. Our other device is a “Toxygen” closed system. Our systems use water that employs both carbon and ultraviolet filters purifying the water of bacteria as well as other harmful chemicals and pollutants.

It’s a gentle water infusion. Our bodies are 90% water. During the ten days, the purest, highest quality water gently hydrates your entire body as it is being absorbed and released through your system. Water is a master element clearing and cleansing you inside and out, whether you have one, three, five or ten sessions you awaken to your highest potential in Body, Mind and Spirit!


Modern colon hydrotherapy equipment is manufactured through compliance with strict FDA guidelines that dictate rigorous accountability. The FDA-registered equipment features temperature controlled water mixing, back-flow prevention valves and water purification. With every session a new disposable speculums and nozzles are used and then disposed of.

Inquire for pricing with Shelley.

Discounts are available when purchasing a series of three or more sessions.

Colon Hydrotherapy is facilitated by Shelley St John, RN, I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Certified Colon Therapy Instructor, Licensed Esthetician, Reiki and JinShin practitioner. Shelley is a gifted and highly sought-after healer with over 33 years experience.

To find out more and schedule an appointment contact:

Shelley St John at 808-575-5220 or

Colon Hydrotherapy Instruction

Shelley St. John is a Colon Hydrotherapy instructor and occasionally has openings for training. She offers full certification. Come and learn this healing profession on the paradise island of Maui. The cost is truly affordable, compared to other careers.

Commonly Asked Questions About Colon Therapy

Q: How does a colon cleansing compare to an enema?

A: An enema only bathes the lower part of the colon, whereas a colon cleansing bathes the entire length of the colon, approximately five to five and half feet.

Q: How much of the large intestines are actually cleansed during a colon cleansing?

A: During a treatment we are actually able to bathe five to five and a half feet of the colon.

Q: Should I see my doctor before having a colon cleansing?

A: Its always a good idea to consult your doctor. A medical examination is not required except for those who are ill. It is recommended to see your MD, acupuncturist, naturopath, or chiropractor for a yearly check up. The Colon Hydrotherapist will check for situations (contraindications) that are not appropriate for a colonic at this time.

Q: How long does a treatment take?

A: Between 35 and 45 minutes, but you should plan for an hour to one and a half hours.

Q: Does having a menstrual period at the time of the cleanse have any effect on the success of the treatment.

A: It depends on the woman. It can be a good time to receive a colonic and discuss this with the colon therapist. In fact its usually a good time to receive a treatment, since your body is already cleansing. Your menstrual flow will not interfere with the success of the treatment. Flushing the colon will also reduce abdominal pressure associated with menstrual cycles. If there are cramps call and speak with your practitioner to discuss whether to reschedule.

Q: What should I do to prepare for colon cleansing?

A: Refrain from eating before the cleansing, be as relaxed as possible, and maintain a positive, cheerful attitude. Do not drink carbonated beverages. Its a good idea to lighten up the diet. Drink fresh juices, eat fruit, vegetables, salads, and soups, limit your dairy intake and eat light protein. Take herbal cleansing products. Check in with your colon therapist for support and to develop a plan of action.

Q: Is there any possibility of bacterial or viral contamination form prior use of the colonic machine?

A: The latest colonic machines now use pre-sterilized hoses and speculums. Since these accessories are only used once and then thrown away there is no danger of contamination. The unit is cleansed with disinfectant cetylcide in accordance with the manufacturers guidelines.

Q: Will I experience any intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleansing?

A: Not usually, but since the cleansing will stir up a lot of old debris and toxins; you might experience some nausea or fatigue. I recommend resting for several hours, and the whole day if possible. Any discomfort will usually pass within 24 hours. Since the colon is cleansed thoroughly after a colonic, it may take 1-2 days until a regular bowel movement begins.

Q: Do I need to use acidophilus after a colon cleansing because the treatment washes out flora from the colon?

A: The large intestine is producing bacteria on a daily basis and adherence to proper nutrition will enhance the colons ability to maintain balance following colon hydrotherapy. Colon cleansings dont wash out large amounts of flora. I urge the use of acidophilus because it is an opportunity to improve the bacterial balance in the colon. Remember that seventy percent of the bodys immunity is in the colon. It consists of a balance of candida, bacteria, and acidophilus, and taking acidophilus helps to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Q: Can I work after a colon cleansing?

A: Certainly. Colon cleansing should not interfere with your scheduled day. It is preferable to rest for a few hours before going to work, or time a cleanse while not working.

Q: How many treatments are recommended?

A: Specific recommendations will be suggested. An initial series of between three to six treatments is recommended. Years of improper nutrition cannot possibly be reversed in a few treatments. More treatments may be required in cases of chronic constipation or a sluggish colon condition. Following the initial program, it is advisable to have a series of three treatments every 3-6 months to maintain optimal colon health.

Q: How is the lymph system related to the intestines?

A: The lymph system is a major part of the immune system. One of its main jobs is to transport nutrients from the blood to each cell and remove its waste. It then passes into the large intestine for elimination. The lymph nodes in the abdominal region also become storage for the waste and all this may lead to Leaky Gut Syndrome with materials leaking into the abdominal cavity.

Keep the lymph highly fluid by focusing on daily fluid intake, diet, and exercise.

Q: Why not take laxatives?

A: Laxatives are irritants and damage receptor cells and may lead to a sluggish bowel and less ability to eliminate waste on your own (dependency may occur).

Q: What can I expect during a session?

A: A session is a comfortable experience for many people. You wear a cotton gown and your dignity is always maintained. You are laying on a comfortable massage table, Techniques utilized allow a small amount of water that is purified to flow into the colon gently stimulating the colons natural contractions to release the softened waste. This is repeated several times with the colon therapist monitoring the water temperature and pressure, guiding and supporting the entire process, and might include emotional support as well. When there is some discomfort or mild cramping due to gas for example there is support given as the releases are occurring with breathing and abdominal massage. You get to see the waste being released through a closed system in a lit up viewing tube.

At the end of the session most people feel emptier, cleaner, lighter, and happier. Occasionally you might feel tired or if there is a lot of waste that has been in there it gives a good reference for a client to see that there is more to clean out and be inspired to learn more.

Q: When are colonics contraindicated?

A: When there is any bleeding in the colon, pain, severe hemorrhoids, cardiac disease, uncontrolled high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, aneurysms, colon perforation, G.I. hemorrhage, cancer, hernias, fistulas, renal insufficiency, surgery in last six months. May be done in pregnancy forth to sixth month if you have had them before pregnancy. Discuss any concerns with your doctor and colon therapist.

Q: How important is cleaning the large intestine to the whole body?

A: It is very important because it is a neuroreflex for the whole body and effects all body systems, even the brain. Organs will atrophy if not absorbing good nutrients and water, and this is aging. After opening the colon then the other organs of elimination can do their jobs better, like the kidneys, bladder, liver, gall bladder, and the lymph and immune systems.

Q: Is it dehydrating to get a colonic?

A: One of the jobs of the colon is to reabsorb water eight to ten times every thirty minutes. This is how your body hydrates itself. During a colonic you are releasing most of the water and some gets absorbed into the body and some into the bladder, therefore you are getting hydrated during a session. Most people are walking around dehydrated, so remember to drink six to eight glasses of water a day. It can prevent constipation.

Q: If I am fasting can I skip colonics?

A: It is not suggested to skip colonics during fasting. When we fast we seem to forget about all the medications, and the artificial sweeteners, additives, preservatives, pesticides, flavor enhancers, etc, in our foods that we have consumed. The more time digestive waste spends in the colon, the greater your chances are of reabsorbing these toxins. You want to move these elements out of your body as soon as possible.

To the degree your colon is clean is to the degree your blood stream is clean. No matter how sluggish your colon is it is still reabsorbing while dehydrating your digestive waste, pulling the waste back into your bodys system through the blood stream. One colonic can be equivalent to three days of fasting. Remember, what goes in MUST come out in a timely fashion two to three times a day.

Q: What can you tell from what comes out in a session?

A: The colon therapist can see if you are chewing your food well, the amount of gas you may have, your peristalsis (muscle tone), if you are hydrated, and the amount of mucus that you may have.

Q: Is the water used in the colonic filtered?

A: Yes, there are two carbon filters that remove chemicals such as chlorine, bacteria, mold, herbacides, and particles below five microns, and an ultraviolet light that kills viruses, parasites, and cryptosporidium.

Medical Articles

Gastrointestinal Surgeon Dr. Leonard Smith Endorses Colon Hydrotherapy

“Seriously ill patients tend to be chronically constipated which results in generalized toxemia. It turns out that colon hydrotherapy is the gentlest and most effective treatment to take care of a sick person’s constipation problem. My recommendation for cancer patients is that they should undergo frequent colon hydrotherapy procedures to make sure a colon’s toxic burden is being kept at a minimum while their bodies are trying to heal,” affirms Dr. Smith. “While not a substitute for eating a high fiber diet, those cancer patients who take colon hydrotherapy often experience the elimination of their aches and pains, improvement of appetite, and they tolerate a tough healing process better.”

“I also believe that normally healthy people will find it valuable to take colon hydrotherapy every couple of months in order to experience how well one feels when the colon is truly empty. It’s a fact that most people fail to fully evacuate the colon, something they don’t realize. People undergoing colon hydrotherapy on a prevention basis become quite surprised at how much waste is removed by the procedure,” Dr. Smith says.

“Without any reservation, I declare that my wish is to see it become an established procedure for many kinds of gastrointestinal problems. If medical centers, hospitals, and clinics installed colon hydrotherapy departments, they would find such departments just as efficacious for patients as their present treatment areas which are devoted to physiotherapy,” states Leonard Smith, M.D. “Such is my true belief, and I do endorse this therapeutic program.”

Colon Therapy Corrects Constipation

“One of my more significant cases was Tommy, an eight-year-old boy with the most awful constipation anyone could imagine,” says former general surgeon and emergency medicine specialist Paul Flashner, MD, of Wellesley, Massachusetts.

“Tommy’s constipation was really bad. He never had a bowel movement for a week at a time. Recognizing the dangers of physiological toxicity, his parents took their son for consultation with numerous gastroenterologists. The child had been subjected to colonoscopy a dozen times, but nothing could be found as the source of his blockage. Laxatives hardly helped at all. There was no diagnosis except that he suffered severely from constipation,” confirms Dr. Flashner. “Then the parents found their way to me so that the boy might undergo examination and treatment one more time. They described their eight-year-old’s condition.”

“I improved the child’s diet and removed all junk foods. Then I instigated an exercise program, had him drink lots of water, balanced his colonic flora, and added fiber food supplements. But most vital for Tommy’s welfare is that he took colon hydrotherapy under my prescription. The beneficial effect was dramatic, for within six months he was experiencing a natural and normal bowel movement every day. No laxatives were involved in his progress,” states Dr. Flashner. “Now the child does not need to consult me anymore; still, he continues his colonic cleansing by having colon hydrotherapy. He did this once a month for six months, and currently he undergoes the cleansing just four times a year. It’s been two years that Tommy remains in excellent physical condition.”

“Colon hydrotherapy is the perfect specific procedure to eliminate constipation and restore normal bowel function. My approach to medical practice is to balance the GI tract using stool testing. I find various pathologies relating to bacteria, yeast, parasites, and other organisms of this nature. A lot of disease comes from imbalances in the colon, as manifested by inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, autoimmune diseases, allergies, multiple sclerosis, and certainly constipation. Such imbalances can be corrected by means of colon hydrotherapy, herbal supplements, and diet,” says Dr. Paul Flashner. “There is no question about the huge difference a health professional can bring to the patient by utilizing colon hydrotherapy plus other associated complementary and alternative methods of healing.”

Dr. Michael Gerber on Colon Hydrotherapy

The basic concepts of the science have not changed much in the last twenty-five years; however, the colon hydrotherapy equipment has improved immensely. How the equipment works so effectively is nothing short of astounding. Registered with the FDA, current colon hydrotherapy equipment is safe. it contains temperature-controlled water mixing and back flow prevention valves, plus pressure and temperature sensors, and built-in chemical sanitizing units. Water purification units are installed as well. Disposable single-use rectal tubes are employed for sterility.”

“Undergoing a session of colon hydrotherapy has you experiencing comfort and cleansing with no toxicity. Techniques utilized allow a small amount of water to flow into the colon gently stimulating the colon’s natural peristaltic action to release softened waste,” Dr. Gerber advises. “The inflow of a small amount of water and the release of waste may be repeated again and again. The removal of such waste encourages better colon function and elimination.”

“During the treatment, most clothing can continue to be worn. In addition, the patient is draped, or a gown is worn to ensure modesty. The patient’s dignity is always maintained,” Dr. Michael Gerber affirms. “The benefits of colon hydrotherapy extend all the way from psychiatric improvement to constipation elimination.”